Foraging & Gardening for Rabbits - Safe herbs, garden plants, and wildflowers for bunnies - Rabbit-safe plants to grow or forage for pet bunnies

This article will be updated on the shop portion of bunloaf (click here). For now it is a work in progress, not much organization to it yet. :) 

Coming will include links to plant profiles, local plant guides, photos next to each item, and more.

All of this is researched by | List of houseplants safe and non-toxic for pet rabbits

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Safe herbs, garden plants, and wildflowers for rabbits and rodents

Why offer plants instead of just concentrated nutritional pellets and hay with a side of romaine?

Diversity in diet is always the best. Not only does it aid in enrichment for rabbits and rodents, which in itself is the top reason why forage should be offered, but offering a varied diet means all nutritional needs are met, which is especially important if following a pellet-free or low-pellet, species-appropriate and balanced diet.

We as humans have taken wild beings and manipulated their DNA through selective breeding to suit our aesthetics and our desires, be it for medical research or lopped ears, and to convenience ourselves, we develop low quality foodstuffs that meet limited nutritional baselines and nothing else. But in the end you can’t take the rabbit out of the rabbit. We are doing a disservice to them by limiting what they eat, outside strict medical necessity. Offering seasonal forage provides mental and physical enrichment, which the average house rabbit and rodent typically do not receive enough of. It promotes good health by mixing and matching different qualities in plants for a fully packed nutritional profile, and the medicinal perks (such as helping with digestion or good liver function).

Don't know if a plant is safe for a bunloaf to eat? For two decades we at have seen the phrase, “if in doubt, leave it out” in regards to giving plants and flowers to our companion animals. We take issue with it! Knowledge should be sought after. Especially in a time with such abundant and easy access to a wealth of knowledge, in hundreds of languages, if you don’t know if that plant growing in your backyard is edible, you should feel empowered to figure it out! “I don’t know” shouldn’t be the final answer.


This list, as well as our safe houseplant list, is just the start of that empowerment we hope to build with rabbit and rodent caregivers everywhere.

This list shouldn’t be taken as “I should feed this and all of this at all times”. This list is a jumping off point for you, as a caregiver to rabbits and rodents, to use to build a quality life for them. A reference point to look at and help you collect knowledge to build a rich life for your companions.

Fruit is listed as safe for many of these items, but fruit is junk food to a rabbit and many rodents. So it is safe for a healthy rabbit to consume, yes, and can be offered sparingly as a treat, some more so than others. But it is just as OK to never offer fruit to them as well. Same goes for many plants which are high in oxalic acid. These plants are safe for healthy rabbits to eat, but should be given as less than 10% of their diet due to how high levels of oxalic acid in the body can negatively affect them. Cooking these items usually lowers oxalic acid, but for a rabbit and rodent you would want to give them food that is raw, fresh or dried, rendering that method useless.

Use your best judgment regarding the rabbits and rodents (and birds) you care for, their requirements, their health, what is available around you, what they already eat, and seasonal suitability. 

Always consult an experienced exotics veterinarian with any questions about, and prior, to herb use. Rabbits on any medications may have adverse reactions to certain plants.

Below is a noncomprehensive list of plants, from the most common garden herbs to the most unrecognized wildflower, that are safe for consumption by rabbits, many rodents, and many birds. 

When foraging, the most important thing is accurate identification. There are many plants that look similar to others, and while some mimicking plants may all be safe for consumption, others can cause minor to severe reactions, including death. For example, you wouldn’t want to give poison hemlock (Conium maculatum) after confusing it with the edible Queen Anne’s lace (Daucus carota) or cow parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris).

There are many incredibly helpful books, websites, and phone apps that can aid in identification both at home and in the field. Many communities may also offer classes for plant identification and foraging tips. 

When harvesting plants, ensure they are 

 ⦿ Grown away from streets and active vehicle use

 ⦿ Not treated with pesticides, herbicides

 ⦿ Not grown on unhealthy land, such as land or ponds that receives runoff from a gas station, car wash, concentrated animal feeding operation, helipad or airport, or grown on brownfield land which may be contaminated

 ⦿ Healthy plants, not rotting, yellowing/browning, wilting, or showing signs of illness, and not hosting an infestation of insects or other tiny animals

 ⦿ Leaves that have not started to change color due to seasonal changes

 ⦿ Not in a high-traffic area where the ground may be saturated with road salt, or where dogs or other creatures frequently relieve themselves 

Ensure you have authorization to forage on the property in which you are harvesting from. In other words, we are not responsible if you get in trouble for trespassing.

If you are interested in foraging but don’t know where to begin, purchase a plant identification book about flora native to your area, and wander around outside with it, looking up every plant you see. After a while of exposing yourself to the plants that grow around you, you will begin to be able to identify plants with ease. 

There are a few websites and apps that can help with instant identification. We have a list of them compiled here. Plant identification apps are not 100% accurate, you may still need to do a bit of research to fully, accurately identify a plant, however the app may give a kicking off point to narrow down a species. They work better on very common and well-known plant species and gardened plants versus most wildflowers and grasses.

List contents and meanings

Guide to terms for “Good for”:

Digestion - aids in the health of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and can prevent bloat and stasis, especially when molting

Immune response - aids in wound healing and overall immune system health

Respiratory - aids in respiratory health and lungs

Diuretic - aids in urinary tract and kidney health

Rich in vitamins - shown to have a wide variety or high levels of necessary vitamins

Sedative - aids in calming rabbits and lowering stress

Longevity - aids in a healthy, long lifespan

Antioxidants - contains high levels of antioxidants which are said to aid in general health of the body, and longevity

Anti-inflammatory - reduce inflammation and pain

Appetite enhancement - aids in increasing appetite

Cardiovascular - aids in heart health

Enrichment - used as material toys for mental health

Joint support - aids in health of joints and body tissues

Guide to terms for “Parts”:

Whole - entire plant, including root, stem, leaves, and flower

Herb - stems and leaves of plant

Leaf - leaves of plant

Bark - bark of plant

Root - root of plant

Flower - flower of plant

Fruit - fruit of plant (excluding seed)

Seed - seed of plant

Shoots - young growth (seedling) of plant containing stem and leaf. Includes seeds grown as “microgreens”

Wood - bark and stem of woody vines, trees, shrubs. Includes twigs with or without leaves attached.


(note: spp. means "species", denoting all plants of that genus are safe for rabbits)

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Image Plant Info
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Apple, crabapple
Latin name: Malus spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit
Good for: 
Note: Avoid seeds of fruit as they contain amygdalin, a type of cyanide which is poisonous to rabbits and rodents. Fruit can be offered fresh or dried, sparingly, due to high sugar content. Branches and twigs are lightly sweet and enjoyed by rabbits fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: African marigold, Mexican marigold
Latin name: Tagetes erecta
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Flower
Good for: Digestion, diuretic
Note: Strong fragrance. Sap in herb that could cause irritation. Leaf is edible when fresh, but largely the flower should only be fed. Suitable fresh and dry.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Agrimony
Latin name: Agrimonia eupatoria
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Alder
Latin name:  Alnus spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Immune response, enrichment
Note: Wood is a hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Alfalfa
Latin name: Medicago sativa
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: Rich in vitamins, joint health
Note: Should make up less than 10% of diet for adult rabbits due to high levels of protein and calcium. Seed sprouts make an excellent salad topper.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Allegheny blackberry
Latin name: Rubus allegheniensis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit
Good for: 
Note: Vines contain thorns.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: American basswood, american linden
Latin name: Tilia americana
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, wood
Good for: Enrichment, sedative (calming) 
Note: Wood is a softwood that is safe for building enrichment toys or for chewing. Spring growth leaves are tastier.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: American raspberry
Latin name: Rubus strigosus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit, seed
Good for: 
Note: Fruits high in oxalic acid which should be limited in the diet (no greater than 10%) 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Anise hyssop, blue giant hyssop
Latin name: Agastache foeniculum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Cardiovascular
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Arugula, rocket, rucola
Latin name: Eruca vesicaria
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for:  Note: High in oxalic acid which should be limited in the diet (no greater than 10%)
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Asian bamboo
Latin name: Phyllostachys spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: 
Note:  Younger whole stalks can be offered.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Aster, great northern aster
Latin name: Canadanthus modestus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Enrichment
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Aster, purplestem aster, swamp aster
Latin name: Symphyotrichum puniceum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Enrichment
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Aster, white heath aster, frost aster
Latin name: Symphyotrichum ericoides
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Enrichment
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Autumn olive, autumn berry
Latin name: Elaeagnus umbellata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, fruit
Good for: Enrichment, rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Bachelors button, cornflower
Latin name: Centaurea cyanus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, seed
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Balsa, balsawood, balsa tree
Latin name:  Ochroma pyramidale
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, wood
Good for: Diuretic, enrichment
Note: Wood is a (very soft) hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried. Bark and root have diuretic properties.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Banana
Latin name: Musa spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, fruit, shoots
Good for:   
Note: Stalk of young banana plants are palatable. Fruit is suitable on occasion due to high sugar content. Wild/native varieties have less sugar but larger seeds. Leaves and stem are common enrichment materials.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Basil
Latin name: Ocimum basilicum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Digestion, sedative (calming), antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Basin wildrye
Latin name: Leymus cinereus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Beardless wildrye, creeping wildrye
Latin name: Leymus triticoides
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Bear paw fern, samambaia, calaguala
Latin name: Polypodium decumanum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Longevity, diuretic, respiratory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Bee balm, bergamot, scarlet beebalm
Latin name: Monarda didyma
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Bee balm, wild bergamot
Latin name: Monarda fistulosa
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Beech, European beech, common beech
Latin name:  Fagus sylvatica
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Wood is a hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Beetroot, chard, Swiss chard
Latin name:  Beta vulgaris
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, shoots
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Bell pepper, sweet pepper, paprika
Latin name:  Capsicum annuum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Fruit, seed
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Bigtooth aspen
Latin name: Populus grandidentata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, wood
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Wood is a hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Bilberry
Latin name: Vaccinium myrtillus
Usage: Herb, fruit
Good for: Eyesight,
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Birch
Latin name:  Betula spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, wood
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Wood is a hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Blackberry
Latin name: Rubus ursinus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, fruit
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Blackbrush
Latin name: Coleogyne ramosissima
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Black chokeberry
Latin name: Aronia melanocarpa
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, fruit
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Black grama
Latin name: Bouteloua eriopoda
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Black-eyed Susan, coneflower
Latin name: Rudbeckia spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Black raspberry
Latin name: Rubus occidentalis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit, seed
Good for: 
Note: Fruits high in oxalic acid which should be limited in the diet (no greater than 10%)
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Black willow
Latin name: Salix negra
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, bark
Good for: Anti-inflammitory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Blueberry
Latin name: Vaccinium sect. Cyanococcus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit, seed
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Blue grama
Latin name: Bouteloua gracilis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Bok choy
Latin name: Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, shoots
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Borage
Latin name: Borago officinalis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: 
Note: Contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids which can cause liver injury to humans and other mammals through prolonged exposure, however wild and domestic rabbits, as well as birds, goats and sheep, are reported to have no noted effects from casual consumption. Offer sparingly, less than 10% of diet. Herb has fine hairs which may cause irritation of the skin and mouth.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Bougainvillea
Latin name: Bougainvillea spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Flower
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Sap from bark can cause skin reactions.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Brazillian prickly pear
Latin name: Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Broadleaf bamboo, sasa
Latin name: Sasa palmata 
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Broccoli
Latin name: Brassica oleracea
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, sprouts
Good for:  Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Brown mustard, leaf mustard, red mustard, snow mustard, canola, rapeseed, big-stem mustard, American mustard, root mustard
Latin name: Brassica juncea
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, shoots
Good for: 
Note: All varieties of B. juncea are suitable for rabbits. Some varieties such as rapeseed can cause photosensitization, which shouldn’t be an issue unless rabbits are fed high amounts of the plant and kept outside.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Brussels sprout
Latin name: Brassica oleracea
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, sprouts
Good for:  Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Buckwheat
Latin name: Fagopyrum esculentum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, seed
Good for:  Antioxidants
Note: Can cause photosensitization if fed in high amounts. Offer sparingly.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Bugle, bugleweed, creeping grass
Latin name: Ajuga reptans
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for:  Cardiovascular
Note: Not very popular.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Burdock, burdock root, gobo
Latin name: Arctium spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Longevity
Note: Younger plants are tastier than ones over a year old, flower stalks can be offered before flowers fully form. Rabbits may or may not like the root but many rodents do.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Burnet
Latin name: Sanguisorba minor
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Butterfly pea, centro
Latin name: Centrosema pubescens
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Flower
Good for:
Note: Flowers dry well for use as winter forage.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cabbage, savoy cabbage
Latin name: Brassica oleracea
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, sprouts
Good for:  Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: California blackberry, creeping blackberry, Pacific dewberry
Latin name: Rubus aboriginum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit
Good for: 
Note: Vines contain thorns.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Calendula, pot marigold
Latin name: Calendula officinalis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Digestion
Note: Herb is not popular but flower is. Flowers dry well for use as winter forage.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Camellia
Latin name: Camellia japonica
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, flower
Good for: Anti-inflammitory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cantaloupe, rockmelon, muskmelon, Armenian cucumber, snake melon, oriental melon, honeydew
Latin name: Cucumis melo
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Flower, fruit, seed
Good for: Enrichment, rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Caraway
Latin name: Carum carvi
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, seed
Good for: Appetite enhancement, digestion
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Carrot
Latin name: Daucus carota
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, seed
Good for: Rich in vitamins
Note: Root should be given sparingly.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Catclaw acacia
Latin name: Senegalia greggii
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
Note: New growth is most palatable. Branches contain thorns. Contains cyanogenic glycoside which is poisonous in high doses, so should be given sparingly.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cat’s ears, false dandelion
Latin name: Hypochaeris radicata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, shoots
Good for: Antioxidants, diuretic
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cattail, bulrush
Latin name: Typha latifolia, Typha angustifolia
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, shoots
Good for: 
Note: Roots, stem, and leaves are edible. Can weave baskets with the leaves for rabbit enrichment. Young seedheads are edible while green. Must be given left after picking, or they will start to brown and go to seed. Only harvest cattails from healthy water ecosystems that do not have runoff of chemicals, fertilizers, or feces from CAFOs.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cauliflower
Latin name: Brassica oleracea
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, sprouts
Good for:  Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Celery, celeriac
Latin name: Apium graveolens
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Whole, seed
Good for: Antioxidants
Note: Has fibrous rib on stalk that should be pulled off, or stalk cut into small pieces before feeding. Root can be offered raw in small amounts. 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Celosia, cockscomb, feather amaranth, lagos spinach
Latin name: Celosia spp.
Usage: Fresh. dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Antioxidants, rich in vitamins
Note: Do not offer cut stems from a grocery store or florist, as they are treated with preservatives and pesticides which can cause illness or death.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Chamomile
Latin name: Matricaria chamomilla (German), Chamaemelum nobile (Roman)
Usage: Fresh, dried 
Parts: Whole
Good for: 
Note: Flowers dry well for use as winter forage.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Chequen, luma blanca, white Chilean myrtle
Latin name: Luma chequen
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Fruit
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Chervil
Latin name: Anthriscus cerefolium
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, root
Good for: Digestive, diuretic
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Chickweed
Latin name: Stellaria media
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Digestion, immune system, eyesight
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Chicory, cornflower, endive, escarole, frisée, radicchio, puntarelle
Latin name: Cichorium spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, shoots
Good for: Diuretic, digestion
Note: Entire plant is edible of all cichorium species. Different cultivars are grown for different parts of the plant, hence the variety of common names.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cholla
Latin name: Cylindropuntia spp.
Usage: Dried
Parts: Wood
Good for: Enrichment
Note: The suitable part of the cholla is the woody core of a dead cholla branch, which is dried, with the spines and skin removed. Used as enrichment toys for rabbits and small animals.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Christmas fern
Latin name: Polystichum acrostichoides
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Enrichment
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cicely, sweet cicely, sweet myrrh
Latin name: Myrrhis odorata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, seed
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cilantro, coriander
Latin name: Coriandrum sativum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, seed
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cinquefoil, slender cinquefoil
Latin name: Potentilla gracilis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
Note: Not very popular.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Clary sage
Latin name: Salvia pratensis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for:   
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cleavers
Latin name: Galium aparine
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for:  
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cleome, spiderflower
Latin name: Cleome spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for:  
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Clover, alsike
Latin name: Trifolium hybridum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, seed, shoots
Good for:
Note: Can cause photosensitization, and liver issues, if fed in high amounts. Offer sparingly.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Clover, arrowleaf
Latin name: Trifolium vesiculosum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, seed, shoots
Good for:
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Clover, crimsen
Latin name: Trifolium incarnatum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, seed, shoots
Good for:
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Clover, red
Latin name: Trifolium pratense
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, seed, shoots
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Clover, strawberry
Latin name: Trifolium fragiferum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, seed, shoots
Good for:  
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Clover, white
Latin name: Trifolium pratense
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, seed, shoots
Good for:   
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Coconut, coconut palm
Latin name: Cocos nucifera
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit
Good for: 
Note: Leaves and fiber are common enrichment materials. Fresh meat and water of coconut fruit can be given occasionally. Shell and husk of coconut fruit has some debate over suitability for rabbit enrichment, due to high fibrous content, however no legitimate research has been done. bunloaf’s stance: safe with supervision
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Collard greens
Latin name: Brassica oleracea
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, sprouts
Good for:  Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Coltsfoot
Latin name: Tussilago farfara
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
Note: Contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids which can cause liver injury to humans and other mammals through prolonged exposure, however wild and domestic rabbits, as well as birds, goats and sheep, are reported to have no noted effects from casual consumption. Offer sparingly, less than 10% of diet.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Comfrey, boneset
Latin name: Symphytum officinale
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
Note: Contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids which can cause liver injury to humans and other mammals through prolonged exposure, however wild and domestic rabbits, as well as birds, goats and sheep, are reported to have no noted effects from casual consumption. Offer sparingly, less than 10% of diet.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Common dewberry, northern dewberry
Latin name: Rubus flagellaris
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit
Good for: 
Note: Vines contain thorns.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Common henbit, henbit deadnettle
Latin name: Lamium amplexicaule
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Common mallow
Latin name: Malva sylvestris
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Common nipplewort
Latin name: Lapsana communis
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Common vetch
Latin name: Vicia sativa
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: 
Note: Offer young buds and leaves.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Coreopsis, tickseed
Latin name: Coreopsis tinctoria
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Corn, maize
Latin name: Zea mays
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Enrichment, diuretic, antioxidants
Note: While the seed is safe, it should be avoided. Hull of fresh seed doesn’t digest and can be risky. Many pellet formulations contain ground kernels – best to avoid. The fresh or dried husk and stalk are used for enrichment, and the silk (stigma maydis) is used as a diuretic.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cosmos
Latin name: Cosmos spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for:   
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cottonwood, Eastern cottonwood
Latin name: Populus deltoides
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, wood
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Wood is a hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cottonwood, Fremont's cottonwood
Latin name: Populus fremontii
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, wood
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Wood is a hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cow parsley, wild chervil
Latin name: Anthriscus sylvestris
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cow parsnip, common hogweed
Latin name: Heracleum sphondylium
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
Note: The hairs of older stems can cause a reaction/irritation of the skin and mouth. Feed young stems or peel older stems before offering.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cow parsnip, American cow parsley,
Latin name: Heracleum maximum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, seed
Good for:
Note: Plant contains a sap which can cause photo toxicity. Has very strong flavor which may not be palatable to rabbits. Harvest young leaves, unripe blossoms, and seedpods.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Coyote willow, sandbar willow
Latin name: Salix exigua
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, wood
Good for: Anti-inflammitory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cranesbill, northern cranesbill, wild geranium,
Latin name: Geranium bicknellii
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, fruit
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cranberry
Latin name: Vaccinium macrocarpon, V. microcarpum, V. oxycoccos
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, fruit
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Creeping phlox, moss phlox, mountain phlox
Latin name: Phlox subulata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Creeping thyme
Latin name: Thymus serpyllum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cress, curly cress, garden cress
Latin name: Lepidium sativum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cucumber
Latin name: Cucumis sativus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, fruit
Good for: Antioxidants
Note: Younger leaves and stems are edible, older ones are covered in fine hairs. Fruit skin may be bitter in some varieties.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Cudweed
Latin name: Pseudognaphalium affine
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Dame’s rocket, sweet rocket,
Latin name: Hesperis matronalis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Dandelion
Latin name: Taraxacum officinale
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Diuretic, respiratory health
Note: Plant has milky latex sap in stem and leaves. Root is a rabbit favorite
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Daylily, tigerlily
Latin name: Hemerocallis spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Delicious raspberry, Rocky Mountain raspberry
Latin name: Rubus deliciosus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit
Good for: 
Note: Vines contain thorns.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Dianthus, carnation
Latin name: Dianthus spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
Note: Contains triterpenoid saponins which can cause stomach upset and dermatitis in high quantities, however also contain medicinal properties anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidants. Dianthus species and dianthin proteins have reports of anti-cancer effects, and curative effects to the kidney and liver.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Dill
Latin name: Anethum graveolens
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, seed
Good for: Respiratory, digestion, sedative (calming), diuretic, rich in vitamins.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Dock
Latin name: Rumex obtusifolius
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: 
Note: Only young leaves should be fed. High in oxalic acid which should be limited in the diet (no greater than 10%)
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Dogwood, flowering dogwood, western dogwood, cornel
Latin name: Cornus spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Fruit, wood
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Fruit is safe fresh. Bark and wood is used as enrichment for small animals. Leaf is harmless but may not be palatable.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Eastern daisy fleabane
Latin name: Erigeron annuus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for:  
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Eastern hemlock, Canadian hemlock
Latin name: Tsuga canadensis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for:  
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Echinacea
Latin name: Echinacea purpurea
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for:  
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Eggplant, aubergine, brinjal
Latin name: Solanum melongena
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Fruit, seed
Good for: 
Note: Only fruit and seeds in fruit are safe, The plant is in the nightshade family which contains solanine, an alkaloid which is toxic in medium to high quantities. Ripe fruit contains less solanine than unripe fruit.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Elder
Latin name: Sambucus nigra
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, fruit
Good for: Antioxidants, sedative (calming), digestion
Note:  Contains cyanogenic glycoside which can be poisonous to rabbits and rodents in excessive amounts. Should be given sparingly.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Elephant grass, napier grass
Latin name: Pennisetum purpureum
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower, fruit, shoots
Good for: Digestion  
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Elm
Latin name: Ulmus spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, wood
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Wood is used for enrichment. Leaves and branches can be given fresh or dried. Saplings are safe to give.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Elmleaf blackberry, zarzamora
Latin name: Rubus ulmifolius
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit
Good for: 
Note: Vines can contain thorns.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: English daisy
Latin name: Bellis perennis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for:   
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: European aspen
Latin name: Populus tremula
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, wood
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Wood is a hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Evening primrose
Latin name: Aenothera biennis
Good for:   
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Eyebleft
Latin name: Euphrasia officinalis
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb
Good for: Digestion, eyesight, anti-inflammitory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Fennel
Latin name: Foeniculum vulgare
Good for: Eyesight
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Fenugreek
Latin name: 
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, seed
Good for: Appetite enhancement
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Fireweed, willowherb
Latin name: Chamaenerion angustifolium
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Digestion
Note: Offer less than 10% of diet.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Forcynthia
Latin name: Forsythia spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, wood
Good for: 
Note: Bitter tasting, not very popular.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: French marigold
Latin name: Tagetes erecta
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Flower
Good for: Digestion, diuretic, sedative (calming)
Note: Strong fragrance. Sap in herb that could cause irritation. Leaf is edible when fresh, but largely the flower, suitable fresh and dry.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Garden dewberry
Latin name: Rubus aboriginum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit
Good for: 
Note: Vines contain thorns.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Garlic mustard
Latin name: Alliaria petiolata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Garland chrysanthemum
Latin name: Glebionis coronaria
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Geum, herb bennet, wood avens
Latin name: Geum urbanum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Gladiolus
Latin name: Gladiolus spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Globe flower, Iberian globe daisy, globularia , ball flower
Latin name: Globularia punctata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Goats rue
Latin name: Galega officinalis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Digestion
Note: Medicinal plant which contains galegine, which can cause lower blood pressure and affect the nervous system. Most studies suggest some individual mammals respond more severely at lower amounts than most others. Otherwise is fine in small amounts offered sparingly.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Gogyo, hahakogusa
Latin name: Pseudognaphalium affine
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Goji, wolfberry
Latin name: Lycium barbarum, Lycium chinense, Lycium andersonii
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, fruit, shoots
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Goldenseal
Latin name: Hydrastis canadensis
Parts: Whole
Good for: Anti-inflammitory, eyesight
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Gooseberry, currant, blackcurrant, redcurrant
Latin name: Ribes spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit
Good for: Appetite enhancement, eyesight, rich in vitamins
Note: Stems often have thorns. Branches with leaves are safe. Fruit safe in small amounts, beware of sugar content.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grape, wild grape, grapevine
Latin name: Vitis spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, fruit, wood
Good for: Enrichment
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, barley grass
Latin name: Hordeum vulgare
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, seed
Good for: Longevity
Note: Commonly used in dried as hay for rabbits. Rabbits should have access to unlimited hay at all times. Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, Bermuda grass
Latin name: Cynodon dactylon
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, seed
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Commonly used in dried as hay for rabbits. Rabbits should have access to unlimited hay at all times. Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, big bluestem
Latin name: Andropogon gerardi
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Commonly used in dried as hay for rabbits. Rabbits should have access to unlimited hay at all times. Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, bluebunch wheatgrass
Latin name: Pseudoroegneria spicata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Enrichment
Note:  Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, big galleta
Latin name: Hilaria rigida
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
Note: Young, tender plants are more palatable. Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, blue grass, meadow grass, speargrass, muttongrass
Latin name: Poa spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
Note: Commonly used in dried as hay for rabbits. Rabbits should have access to unlimited hay at all times. Common species are muttongrass (P. fendleriana) Kentucky bluegrass (P. pratensis), annual bluegrass (P. annua), rough bluegrass (P. trivialis). Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, brome grass
Latin name: Bromus spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
Note: Commonly used in dried as hay for rabbits. Rabbits should have access to unlimited hay at all times. Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, broomsedge bluestem, beard grass, broomstraw
Latin name: Andropogon virginicus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
Note: Commonly used in dried as hay for rabbits. Rabbits should have access to unlimited hay at all times. Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, canary grass
Latin name: Phalaris canariensis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Enrichment, digestion
Note: Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, crabgrass
Latin name: Digitaria spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, seed
Good for: Enrichment, digestion
Note: Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, dropseed
Latin name: Sporobolus spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Enrichment, digestion
Note: Young, tender plants and growth are more palatable. Common species are sand dropseed (S. cryptandrus), spike dropseed (S. contractus), alkali sacaton (S. airoides), mesa dropseed (S. flexuosus m). Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, fescue grass
Latin name: Festuca spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, seed
Good for: Digestion
Note: Commonly used in dried as hay for rabbits. Rabbits should have access to unlimited hay at all times. Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, galleta, James' galleta
Latin name: Hilaria jamesii
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
Note:  Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, little bluestem
Latin name: Schizachyrium scoparium
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Enrichment Note: Commonly used in dried as hay for rabbits. Rabbits should have access to unlimited hay at all times. Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, oat grass, oats
Latin name: Avena spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, seed, shoots
Good for: 
Note: Commonly used in dried as hay for rabbits. Rabbits should have access to unlimited hay at all times. Oat meal or flakes can be given to rabbits needing to gain weight. Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, oat grass, meadow oat
Latin name: Arrhenatherum spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: 
Note: Commonly used in dried as hay for rabbits. Rabbits should have access to unlimited hay at all times. Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, needle-and-thread grass
Latin name: Hesperostipa comata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: 
Note: Young, tender plants are more palatable. Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, orchard grass
Latin name: Dactylis glomerata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: Longevity
Note: Commonly used in dried as hay for rabbits. Rabbits should have access to unlimited hay at all times. Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, ryegrass
Latin name: Lolium perenne
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: 
Note: Commonly used in dried as hay for rabbits. Rabbits should have access to unlimited hay at all times. Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, ryegrass, Italian ryegrass
Latin name: Lolium multiflorum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: 
Note: Commonly used in dried as hay for rabbits. Rabbits should have access to unlimited hay at all times. Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, slim tridens
Latin name: Tridens muticus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
Note:  Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, timothy grass
Latin name: Phleum pratense
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: Digestion
Note: Commonly used in dried as hay for rabbits. Rabbits should have access to unlimited hay at all times. Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, tufted hairgrass, tussok grass
Latin name: Deschampsia cespitosa
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Digestion
Note:  Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, wheat grass
Latin name: Triticum aestivum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: 
Note: Commonly used in dried as hay for rabbits. Rabbits should have access to unlimited hay at all times. New growth is sweet and favorable for many rabbits. Older growth is best dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Grass, wild rye, couch grass, wheatgrass
Latin name: Elymus spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: 
Note: Common species include slender wheatgrass (E. trachycaulus), squirreltail (E. elymoides). Dried is best for most rabbits and rodents.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Green foxtail
Latin name: Setaria viridis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Greenleaf manzanita
Latin name: Arctostaphylos patula
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, fruit, wood
Good for: Enrichment, diuretic, digestion
Note: Leaf not very favorable to rabbits. The dried branches can be used for enrichment. Fruit contains cyanogenic glycoside which can be poisonous to rabbits and rodents in excessive amounts, so should be given sparingly.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Green wattle
Latin name: Acacia decurrens
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, wood
Good for: 
Note: Bark contains high amounts of tannins, should should be offered sparingly. Do not feed leaves grown in times of drought as they may contain high levels of cyanogenic glycoside, which can be poisonous to rabbits and rodents in excessive amounts.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Ground elder
Latin name: Aegopodium podagraria
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
groundsel is safe for rabbits Name: Groundsel
Latin name: Senecio vulgaris
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb
Good for: Appetite enhancement, digestion, diuretic
Note: Contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids which can cause liver injury to humans and other mammals through prolonged exposure, however wild and domestic rabbits, as well as birds, goats and sheep, are reported to have no noted effects from casual consumption. Offer sparingly.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Guava
Latin name:  Psidium guajava, Psidium cattleyanum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, fruit, wood
Good for: 
Note: Branches are suitable.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Hackberry
Latin name: Celtis occidentalis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit, wood
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Wood is a hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried. Fruit is high in calories so should be given sparingly or not at all.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Hawkweed
Latin name: Hieracium spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Respiratory, diuretic
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Hawthorn
Latin name: Crataegus spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit, wood
Good for: Antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, digestion, cardiovascular
Note: Younger leaves are more palatable. Dried fruit may be difficult for rabbits to chew, breaking berry into smaller pieces is ideal. Wood is safe for enrichment. Saplings are safe to give.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Hazel
Latin name: Corylus spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Wood, herb
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Heart-leafed globe daisy, globularia
Latin name: Globularia cordifolia
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Heather
Latin name: Lamium album
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Hedge maple, field maple
Latin name: Acer campestre
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Wood is a hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Herb robert
Latin name: Geranium robertianum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Hibiscus, rose of sharon, roselle, hardy hibiscus
Latin name: Hisbiscus spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, wood, flower
Good for: 
Note: Saplings are safe to give. Flowers may temporarily stain wood, carpet, or white fur. Flowers dry well for use as winter forage. 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Hoary puccoon
Latin name: Lithospermum canescens
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Hollyhock
Latin name: Alcea rosea
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, shoots
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Hop clover
Latin name: Trifolium campestre
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower, seed
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Honesty, silver dollar plant, money plant
Latin name: Lunaria spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
Note: Flowers dry well for use as winter forage.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Hornbeam, American hornbeam
Latin name:  Carpinus caroliniana
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Immune response, enrichment
Note: Wood is a hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Hornbeam, European hornbeam
Latin name:  Carpinus betulus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Immune response, enrichment
Note: Wood is a hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Horseradish
Latin name:  Armoracia rusticana
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Hyssop
Latin name:  Hyssopus officinalis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Illinois bundleflower, prairie mimosa
Latin name: Desmanthus illinoensis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, seed
Good for: 
Note: Herb and seed is high in protein, should not be a main staple in diet.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Indian knotgrass, madimak
Latin name: Polygonum cognatum
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Indian ricegrass, sand rice grass
Latin name: Eriocoma hymenoides
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Irish sea moss, carrageenan moss
Latin name: Chondrus crispus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Antioxidants, rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Ivy leaf toadflax, Kenilworth ivy
Latin name: Cymbalaria muralis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon, meadow salsify, showy goat's-beard
Latin name: Tragopogon pratensis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
Note: Plant has milky latex sap in stem and leaves.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Japanese knotweed, Asian knotweed
Latin name: Reynoutria japonica
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Rich in vitamins
Note: Invasive in the United States, if harvested ensure no pesticides have been used on it. 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Japanese mustard spinach, komatsuna
Latin name: Brassica rapa var. Perviridis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Japanese mustard greens, mizuna, spider mustard
Latin name: Brassica rapa var. nipposinica
Good for:  Note: Moderate amount of oxalic acid which should be limited in the diet (no greater than 10%).
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Japanese parsley, mitsuba, three leaf mitsuba
Latin name: Cryptotaenia japonica
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, root
Good for: Eyesight, appetite enhancement
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Japanese quince, Maule's quince
Latin name: Chaenomeles japonica
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, wood, flower, fruit
Good for: 
Note: Flesh of fruit can be given as treat.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Jerusalem artichoke
Latin name: Helianthus tuberosus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Joe Pye weed, purple joe-pye weed, gravel root, sweetscented joe pye weed, indian sage
Latin name: Eutrochium purpureum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Diuretic
Note: Rabbits may not eat herb. Root is used for kidney and urinary health.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Joe Pye weed, spotted joe-pye weed, queen of the meadow
Latin name: Eupatorium maculatum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, root
Good for: Diuretic
Note: Rabbits may not eat herb. Herb and root are used for kidney and urinary health.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Jumpseed, knotweed
Latin name: Polygonum virginianum
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Jute mallow
Latin name: Corchorus olitorius
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Rich in vitamins
Note: Jute cordage is safe for rabbits, provided the company did not treat the material with fumigation.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Kale
Latin name: Brassica oleracea
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, sprouts
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Kava kava
Latin name: Piper methysticum
Usage: Dried
Parts: Root
Good for: Sedative (calming)
Note: Should not be given excessively, may cause liver damage.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Kidneyvetch, common kidneyvetch
Latin name: Anthyllis vulneraria
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Kiwi, red kiwi, purple hardy kiwi
Latin name: Actinidia spp.
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Whole, fruit, seed
Good for: Diuretic, sedative (calming)
Note: Moderate amount of oxalic acid which should be limited in the diet (no greater than 10%). Fruit can contain a high amount of sugars depending on variety and should be offered sparingly, if at all.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Knotgrass, knotweed, pigweed
Latin name: Polygonum aviculare
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Kohlrabi, German turnip
Latin name: Brassica oleracea
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, sprouts
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Kudzu
Latin name: Pueraria montana
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, root
Good for: Antioxidants, anti-inflammatory
Note: Invasive in the United States, if harvested ensure no pesticides have been used on it. Younger growth is more palatable and less bitter.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lady’s mantle
Latin name: Alchemilla mollis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lady’s smock, mayflower
Latin name: Cardamine pratensis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lamb’s lettuce, cornsalad, mache
Latin name: Valerianella locusta
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lamb’s quarters, goosefoot
Latin name: Chenopodium album
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Largeleaf avens, large-leaved avens
Latin name: Geum macrophyllum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Diuretic
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lavender
Latin name: Lavandula spp
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Sedative (calming), immune response, anti-inflammatory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lemon balm, melissa
Latin name: Melissa officinalis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lemon marigold
Latin name: Tagetes tenuifolia
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Flower
Good for: Digestion, diuretic,
Note: Strong fragrance. Sap in herb that could cause irritation.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lemon thyme
Latin name: Thymus citriodorus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lettuce
Latin name: Lactuca sativa
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, shoots
Good for:
Note: All lettuce varieties available in supermarkets, farmer’s markets, and wild are suitable for rabbits.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Liatris, gayfeather, blazing star
Latin name: Liatris spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, shoots
Good for:
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lichen, black stone flower, kalpasi
Latin name: Parmotrema perlatum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Lichen grown on branches of safe trees and bushes are suitable to offer. Wide variety of species are safe, however some are poisonous. Verify identification before offering.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lichen, Evans’ deer moss, Evans’ reindeer moss
Latin name: Cladonia evansii
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Lichen grown on branches of safe trees and bushes are suitable to offer. Wide variety of species are safe, however some are poisonous. Verify identification before offering.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lichen, horsehair lichen, black moss, black tree lichen, wila
Latin name: Bryoria fremontii
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Lichen grown on branches of safe trees and bushes are suitable to offer. Wide variety of species are safe, however some are poisonous. Verify identification before offering.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lichen, iceland moss
Latin name: Cetraria islandica
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Lichen grown on branches of safe trees and bushes are suitable to offer. Wide variety of species are safe, however some are poisonous. Verify identification before offering.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lichen, ramalina farinacea
Latin name: Ramalina farinacea
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Enrichment, digestion, anti-inflammatory
Note: Lichen grown on branches of safe trees and bushes are suitable to offer. Wide variety of species are safe, however some are poisonous. Verify identification before offering.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lichen, reindeer moss
Latin name: Cladonia rangiferina
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Enrichment, digestion, anti-inflammatory
Note: Lichen grown on branches of safe trees and bushes are suitable to offer. Wide variety of species are safe, however some are poisonous. Verify identification before offering.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Licorice
Latin name: Glycyrrhiza glabr
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Root
Good for: Digestion, sedation (calming), immune response
Note: Contains glycyrrhizin which is 30-50 times sweeter than table sugar. Should not be fed in large amounts very frequently.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lilac
Latin name: Syringa
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Not very popular.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lily pily, monkey apple
Latin name: Syzygium smithii
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Fruit
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Linden
Latin name: Tilia spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Digestion, diuretic, anti-inflammatory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Longroot smartweed, water smartweed, water knotweed
Latin name: Persicaria amphibia
Usage: Fresh,
Parts: Herb, flower
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Loquat
Latin name: Eriobotrya japonica
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, fruit
Good for: 
Note: Branches are suitable. Do not feed seeds of fruit.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Lovage
Latin name: Levisticum officinale
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Diuretic
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Majoram
Latin name: Origanum majorana
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Manzanita
Latin name: Arctostaphylos spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, fruit, wood
Good for: Enrichment, diuretic, digestion
Note: Leaf not very favorable to rabbits. The dried branches can be used for enrichment. Fruit contains cyanogenic glycoside which is poisonous in high doses, so should be given sparingly.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Marshmallow
Latin name: Althaea officinalis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Anti-inflammatory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name:  Meadowsweet, queen of the meadow
Latin name: Filipendula ulmaria
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower 
Good for: Immune response
Note: Considered a noxious weed in many states, make sure it is not sprayed with pesticides before harvesting. Contains salicylic acid, a precursor to aspirin.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name:  Melilot, sweet clover
Latin name: Melilotus spp.
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower, shoots 
Good for: 
Note: High in coumarin, which is bitter and can cause toxicity if ingested in large amounts. Offer sparingly, and only young, healthy plants in springtime.  
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Mexican tarragon, Mexican mint marigold
Latin name: Tagetes lucida
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Digestion, diuretic
Note: Sap in herb that could cause irritation. Only to be given in small amounts
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Mexican weeping bamboo
Latin name: Otatea acuminata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Milk thistle, milkthistle
Latin name: Silybum marianum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, seed
Good for: Antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, immune response
Note: Plant is covered in spines, remove before offering. Young, tender plants are easier. Flower buds (chokes) can be given at any time. Seed can be offered whole or ground and sprinkled over food.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Mimosa, silver wattle, blue wattle
Latin name: Acacia dealbata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, wood, flower
Good for: 
Note: Bark contains high amounts of tannins, should should be offered sparingly. Do not feed leaves grown in times of drought as they may contain high levels of cyanogenic glycoside, which can be poisonous to rabbits and rodents in excessive amounts.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Mint, spearmint
Latin name: Mentha spicata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Moringa
Latin name: Moringa oleifera
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, fruit
Good for: Rich in vitamins Note: Offer less than 10% of diet.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Moss rose, ross moss, eleven o'clock
Latin name: Portulaca grandiflora
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Whole
Good for: 
Note: Very bitter taste so unlikely to be eaten.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Motherwort
Latin name: Leonurus cardiaca
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
Note: Longevity, cardiovascular, anti-inflammatory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Mountain-ash, rowan
Latin name: Sorbus americana
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: 
Note: Leaf can contain high levels of cyanogenic glycoside, which can be poisonous to rabbits and rodents in excessive amounts. Offer sparingly.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Mountain mint
Latin name: Pycnanthemum spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
Note: Leaf can contain high levels of cyanogenic glycoside, which can be poisonous to rabbits and rodents in excessive amounts. Offer sparingly.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Mugwort, wormwood
Latin name: Artemisia princeps
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: Appetite enhancement
Note: Contains thujone which can cause neurological issues when consumed in high amounts. Offer less than 10% of diet.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Muhly
Latin name: Muhlenbergia spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Mulberry, white mulberry, red mulberry, long mulberry
Latin name: Morus spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit, seed, wood
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Branches and leaves can be given fresh or dried. Fruit is safe fresh or dried, but some rabbits do not like it. Wood is safe for enrichment. Saplings are safe to give.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Muster-John-Henry
Latin name: Tagetes minuta
Usage: Dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for:  Digestion, diuretic
Note: Strong fragrance. Sap in herb that could cause irritation.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Nasturtium, garden nasturtium
Latin name: Tropaeolum Majus
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower, shoots
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Nannyberry, sweet viburnum
Latin name: Viburnum lentago
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, fruit
Good for: 
Note: Not very popular, wood has offensive smell.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Neotropical bamboo
Latin name: Guadua spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: 
Note:  Younger whole stalks can be offered.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Needlegrass
Latin name: Achnatherum spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: New York ironweed
Latin name: Vernonia noveboracensis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Nigella
Latin name: Nigella damascena
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, seed
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Nodding beggarticks, bur-marigold
Latin name: Bidens cernua
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Northern bayberry
Latin name: Myrica pensylvanica
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, fruit
Note: Safe, not very popular. Does not taste good.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Oak
Latin name: Quercus spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, seed
Good for: Rich in vitamins, digestion, anti-inflammatory
Note: Avoid offering unripe acorns due to higher tannin levels. Offer summer growth branches and leaves only. Do not offer red oak (Quercus rubra).
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Ocotillo
Latin name: Fouquieria splendens
Usage: Fresh, dried 
Parts: Flower, wood
Good for: 
Note: Branches can be used for enrichment, thorns must be removed. Flower can be fed fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Odorous pig-salad, stinking hare’s lettuce, hainlattich
Latin name: Aposeris foetida
Usage: Fresh, dried 
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Okra
Latin name: Abelmoschus esculentus
Usage: Fresh, dried 
Parts: Herb, flower, fruit
Good for: 
Note: High in oxalic acid which should be limited in the diet (no greater than 10%).
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Olive
Latin name: Olea europaea
Usage: Fresh, dried 
Parts: Leaf
Good for: Digestion
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Oregan grape
Latin name: Berberis aquifolium
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit
Good for: Immune response
Note: Leaves more palatable when soft.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Oregano
Latin name: Origanum vulgare
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Oxeye daisy, ox-eyed daisy, marguerite
Latin name: Leucanthemum maximum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
Note: Bitter tasting, not very popular.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Parsley
Latin name: Petroselinum crispum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Parsley piert
Latin name: Alchemilla arvensis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Diuretic
plant name is safe for rabbits Name:  Patience dock
Latin name: Rumex patientia
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: Digestion
Note: High in oxalic acid which should be limited in the diet (no greater than 10%). Young leaves are more palatable.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name:  Pear
Latin name: Pyrus spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, fruit, wood
Good for: Digestion
plant name is safe for rabbits Name:  Persimmon
Latin name: Diospyros kaki, Diospyros virginiana
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, fruit, wood
Good for: 
Note: Avoid offering unripe fruit, or foliage/branches harvested in the fall due to higher tannin levels. Offer spring or summer leaf growth only. Fruit flesh is high in sugar and should be offered fresh or dried sparingly, if at all. Do not feed seeds.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Pineapple
Latin name: Ananas comosus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, fruit
Good for: 
Note: Fruit should be fed sparingly if at all, due to high sugar content. Leaves are not preferred but some rabbits like them.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Pineapple weed, wild chamomile
Latin name: Matricaria discoidea
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Pinkhead smartweed, Japanese knotweed
Latin name: Polygonum capitatum
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Antioxidants, diuretic, anti-inflammatory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Plantain
Latin name: Plantago major
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Diuretic 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Plantain, Asiatic, onbako
Latin name: Plantago asiatica
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Respiratory  
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Plantain, narrowleaf, ribwort
Latin name: Plantago lanceolata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Respiratory  
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Pointleaf manzanita
Latin name: Arctostaphylos pungens
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, fruit
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Ponderosa pine
Latin name: Pinus ponderosa
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Poplar, black poplar
Latin name:  Populus nigra
Usage:  Fresh, dried
Parts:  Herb, flower, wood
Good for: 
Note: Wood is a hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Poplar, Carolina poplar
Latin name:  Populus × canadensis
Usage:  Fresh, dried
Parts:  Herb, flower, wood
Good for: 
Note: Wood is a hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Poplar, silver poplar, white poplar
Latin name:  Populus alba
Usage:  Fresh, dried
Parts:  Herb, flower, wood
Good for: 
Note: Wood is a hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Poppy mallow
Latin name:  Callirhoe involucrata
Usage:  Fresh
Parts:  Herb, flower, root, shoots
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Prairie sumac
Latin name: Rhus lanceolata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, wood, flower, seed
Good for: 
Note: Do not feed leaves which have changed color. Twigs are safe but not very popular. Fruit is covered in fine hairs which may be an irritant.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Prickly lettuce
Latin name: Lactuca serriola
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, root, flower
Good for: 
Note: Plant has milky latex sap in stem and leaves. Younger leaves are tastier.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Prickly pear cactus, tuna, nopal
Latin name: Opuntia spp.
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Leaf, flower, fruit
Good for: 
Note: Contains fine prickly hairs on fruit and leaf paddles which can cause irritation of skin and mouth. Paddles have sharp spines that must be removed.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Prickly sow thistle
Latin name: Sonchus asper
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Pumpkin, squash, gourd
Latin name: Cucurbita spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Flower, fruit, seed
Good for: 
Note: Leaves are edible but have many fine hairs all over which may irritate the skin and mouth, not popular. Raw fruit is fine in small quantities, some cultivars have higher sugar content than others. This applies to all species of Cucurbita.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Purple chokeberry
Latin name: Aronia prunifolia
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, fruit
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Purple deadnettle, red deadnettle
Latin name: Lamium purpureum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Purslane
Latin name: Portulaca oleracea
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Whole, shoots
Good for: 
Note: High in oxalic acid which should be limited in the diet (no greater than 10%)
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Quaking aspen
Latin name: Populus tremuloides
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, wood
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Wood is a hardwood suitable for rabbit enrichment. Branches and leaves can be offered occasionally, fresh or dried.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Queen Anne’s lace
Latin name: Daucus carota
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, root
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Quaking grass
Latin name: Briza maxima
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, seed
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Radish
Latin name: Raphanus raphanistrum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, root
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Ratany
Latin name: Krameria spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
Note: New growth is more palatable.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Red chokeberry
Latin name: Aronia arbutifolia
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, fruit
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Red maple
Latin name: Acer rubrum
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Leaf, wood
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Often hybridizes with silver maple (Acer saccharinum). Wild rabbit species favor red maple twigs, bark, buds, and leaves without known issues, however wilted/fallen leaves are known to poison horses. Offer sparingly, fresh twigs and leaves only.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Red raspberry
Latin name: Rubus idaeus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit, seed
Good for:
Note: Fruits high in oxalic acid which should be limited in the diet (no greater than 10%) 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Red sorrel, sheep sorrel
Latin name: Rumex acetosella
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: Diuretic
Note: High in oxalic acid which should be limited in the diet (no greater than 10%). Young leaves are more palatable.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Reed, common reed
Latin name: Phragmites australis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, shoots
Good for: 
Note:  Young, tender plants are more palatable. Only harvest reeds from healthy water ecosystems that do not have runoff of chemicals, fertilizers, or feces from CAFOs.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Richweed, stoneroot, northern horse balm, horsebalm
Latin name: Collinsonia canadensis
Usage: Dried
Parts: Herb, root
Good for: Diuretic
Note: Tea from herb and root is used for urinary and kidney health.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Rose
Latin name: Rosa spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, fruit
Good for: 
Note: All rose species are edible. Do not offer cut stems from a grocery store or florist, as they are treated with preservatives and pesticides which can cause illness or death. Only feed ones sold for consumption or purpose-grown and harvested in your own yard, or location known to be safe of pesticides/fungicides.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Rosemary
Latin name: Salvia rosmarinus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Rush
Latin name: Juncus spp
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb,
Good for: 
Note: Young, tender plants are more palatable. Common species are Baltic rush (J. balticus), lamp rush (J. effusus)
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Rutabaga, swede
Latin name: Brassica napus subsp. napobrassica
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, root
Good for: Rich in nutrients, digestion
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Sage
Latin name: Salvia officinalis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Rich in vitamins,
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Sainfoin, holy clover
Latin name: Onobrychis viciifolia
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: St. John’s wort, Saint John’s wort, hypericum
Latin name: Hypericum perforatum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
Note: Can cause photosensitization, and liver issues, if fed in high amounts. Offer sparingly.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Saltbush
Latin name: Atriplex spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
Parts: New growth is most palatable. Some species, like big saltbush (A. lentiformis), can be toxic if consumed in large quantities.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Salsify, oyster plant
Latin name: Tragopogon porrifolius
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Whole
Good for: 
Parts: Root is unpalatable after flowering.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Sea buckthorn, seaberry
Latin name: Hippophae spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit
Good for: Rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Scentless false mayweed, scentless mayweed
Latin name: Tripleurospermum perforatum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Seagrass, eelgrass, seawrack
Latin name: Zostera spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Seagrass, manatee grass
Latin name: Syringodium filiforme
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Seagrass, noodle seagrass
Latin name: Syringodium isoetifolium
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Seagrass, surfgrass
Latin name: Phyllospadix spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Sedge, goosegrass
Latin name: Carex spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
Note: Not very popular.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Sedum, stonecrop
Latin name: Sedum spp.
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
Note: Not very popular. Most species are edible, verify before offering.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Self heal, heal-all
Latin name: Prunella vulgaris
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Shasta daisy, max chrysanthemum
Latin name: Leucanthemum maximum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Shepherd's purse
Latin name: Capsella bursa-pastoris
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Shiso
Latin name: Perilla frutescens var. crispa
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory
Note: Often casually fed to companion rabbits and rodents in Asia with no known side effects, perilla ketone from the oil of the plant is known to cause illness, pulmonary edema, in cattle and horses when consumed in very high amounts.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Silverleaf desmodium, Spanish tick-clover
Latin name: Desmodium uncinatum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
Note: Used as a hay crop. Can be fed in large quantities but not as sole hay material.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Silver maple
Latin name: Acer saccharinum
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Leaf, wood
Good for: Enrichment
Note: Often hybridizes with red maple (Acer rubrum). Wild rabbit species favor red maple twigs, bark, buds, and leaves without known issues, however wilted/fallen leaves are known to poison horses. Offer sparingly, fresh twigs and leaves only.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Skullcap
Latin name: Scutellaria spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Sedative, anti-inflammatory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Slippery elm
Latin name: lea europaea
Usage: Dried
Parts: Wood
Good for: Digestion, sedative (calming) 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Smoke bush, smoketree
Latin name: Cotinus spp.
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, wood
Note: Safe, not very popular. Does not taste good.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Smooth sumac
Latin name: Rhus glabra
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, wood, flower, seed
Good for: 
Note: Do not feed leaves which have changed color. Twigs are safe but not very popular. Fruit is covered in fine hairs which may be an irritant.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Snapdragon
Latin name: Antirrhinum majus
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Anti-inflammitory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Sola
Latin name: Aeschynomene aspera
Usage: Dried
Parts: Wood
Good for: Enrichment
Note: The bark and stem of the plant is used as enrichment for rabbits and small animals.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Sorrel
Latin name: Rumex acetosa
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, shoots
Good for: 
Note: High in oxalic acid which should be limited in the diet (no greater than 10%). Young leaves are more palatable.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Southern dewberry
Latin name: Rubus trivialis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit
Good for: 
Note: Vines contain thorns.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Sow thistle
Latin name: Sonchus oleraceus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
Note: Favored by may rabbits.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Spanish moss
Latin name: Tillandsia usneoides
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Spanish needle, hairy beggar-ticks
Latin name: Bidens pilosa
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Immune system, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, longevity
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Speedwell
Latin name: Veronica spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Spider plant, ribbon plant, curly spider plant
Latin name: Chlorophytum comosum
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Leaf
Note: Not popular with rabbits.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Spirea, meadowsweet
Latin name: Spiraea spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, wood
Note: Not very popular.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Spinach
Latin name: Spinacia oleracea
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, flower
Good for: Rich in vitamins
Note: High in oxalic acid which should be limited in the diet (no greater than 10%)
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Spotted beebalm, horsemint
Latin name: Monarda punctata
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Staghorn sumac
Latin name: Rhus typhina
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, wood, flower, seed
Good for: 
Note: Do not feed leaves which have changed color. Twigs are safe but not very popular. Fruit is covered in fine hairs which may be an irritant.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Stinging nettle
Latin name: Urtica dioica
Usage: Dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: Diuretic
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Stork's bill, storksbill
Latin name: Erodium cicutarium
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower, root
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Strawberry
Latin name: Fragaria ananassa
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, fruit, seed
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Strawberry, beach strawberry
Latin name: Fragaria chiloensis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, fruit, seed
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Strawberry, wild strawberry
Latin name: Fragaria vesca, Fragaria virginiana
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, fruit, seed
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Strawberry tree
Latin name: Arbutus unedo
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf, fruit, wood
Good for: Diuretic, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Summer savory
Latin name: Satureja hortensis
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Sunflower
Latin name: Helianthus annuus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Flower, seed, shoots
Good for: 
Note: The seed, while safe, should be avoided. Flowerheads can be given fresh or dried when seedless. Shoots and young plants are great forage options.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Swamp smartweed
Latin name: Persicaria hydropiperoides
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Sweet alyssum
Latin name: Lobularia maritima
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Sweet potato
Latin name: Ipomoea batatas
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
Note: Healthy vines of plant are safe. Root is safe but should avoid feeding to rabbits due to high sugar and starch content. Many rodents can eat the root as a treat, however.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Sweet verbena, sweet almond verbena
Latin name: Aloysia virgata
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Leaf
Good for: 
Note: Feed only young plants.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Tatsoi, tat choy
Latin name: Brassica rapa subsp. narinosa
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, shoots
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Tarragon
Latin name: Artemisia dracunculus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Thorowax
Latin name: Bupleurum chinense
Usage: Dried
Parts: Root
Good for: Respiratory, longevity
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Thyme
Latin name: Thymus vulgaris
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Tomato
Latin name: Solanum lycopersicum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Fruit, seed
Good for: 
Note: Only fruit and seeds in fruit are safe, The plant is in the nightshade family which contains solanine, an alkaloid which is toxic in medium to high quantities. Ripe fruit contains less solanine than unripe fruit.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Tomorrow’s leaf, Ashitaba
Latin name: Angelica keiskei
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Longevity, rich in vitamins.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Turmeric
Latin name: Curcuma longa
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Root
Good for: Anti-inflammitory, eyesight, joint health
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Turnip
Latin name: Brassica rapa
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, root
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Uva ursi, bearberry
Latin name: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Leaf
Good for: Diuretic
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Valerian
Latin name: Valeriana officinalis
Usage: Dried
Parts: Root
Good for: Sedative (calming)
Note: Should not be given excessively.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Vietnamese coriander, laksa leaf
Latin name: Persicaria odorata
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Antioxidants
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Viola, violet, pansy, wild violet, wild pansy, Johnny Jump Up, heartsease
Latin name: Viola spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Wall lettuce
Latin name: Lactuca muralis
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
Note: Not popular with rabbits
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Wandering fleabane, subalpine fleabane
Latin name: Erigeron peregrinus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Water celery, minari, seri, java waterdropwort
Latin name: Oenanthe javanica
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole
Good for: Rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Watercress, yellowcress
Latin name: Nasturtium officinale
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Water hyacynth
Latin name: Pontederia crassipes
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Enrichment, rich in vitamins
Note: Dried leaves often used in enrichment materials such as baskets, trays, balls, and mats.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Watermelon
Latin name: Citrullus lanatus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Flower, fruit, seed
Good for: Enrichment, rich in vitamins
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Water spinach, chinese watercress, chinese morning glory, kangkung
Latin name: Ipomoea aquatica
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Weeping willow
Latin name: Salix babylonica
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, wood
Good for: Anti-inflammitory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: West Indian lemongrass
Latin name: Cymbopogon citratus
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Whitebark raspberry
Latin name: Rubus leucodermis
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Whole, fruit, seed
Good for: 
Note: Fruits high in oxalic acid which should be limited in the diet (no greater than 10%)
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: White deadnettle, white nettle
Latin name: Lamium album
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Whiteleaf manzanita
Latin name: Arctostaphylos manzanita
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, fruit
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: White willow
Latin name: Salix alba
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, wood
Good for: Anti-inflammitory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Wild geranium
Latin name: Geranium maculatum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: Digestion, respiratory
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Wild lettuce
Latin name: Lactuca virosa
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, root, flower
Good for: Sedative
Note: Plant has milky latex sap in stem and leaves.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Winged sumac
Latin name: Rhus copallinum
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, wood, flower, seed
Good for: 
Note: Do not feed leaves which have changed color. Twigs are safe but not very popular. Fruit is covered in fine hairs which may be an irritant.
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Wingpod purslane
Latin name: Portulaca umbraticola
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Whole
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Winter cress
Latin name: Barbarea vulgaris
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower, shoots
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Winter savory
Latin name: Satureja montana
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Wood sorrel
Latin name: Oxalis stricta
Usage: Fresh
Parts: Herb
Good for: 
Note: High in oxalic acid which should be limited in the diet (no greater than 10%)
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Yarrow
Latin name: Achillea millefolium
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Yellow archangel, golden deadnettle
Latin name: Lamium galeobdolon
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Yellow oxeye daisy, ox-eye
Latin name: Buphthalmum salicifolium
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Zinnia
Latin name: Zinnia spp.
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Herb, flower
Good for: 
plant name is safe for rabbits Name: Zuchinni, courgette
Latin name: Cucurbita pepo
Usage: Fresh, dried
Parts: Fruit, flower, seed
Good for: 
Note: Leaves are edible but have many fine hairs all over which may irritate the skin and mouth. Raw fruit is fine in small quantities, some cultivars have higher sugar content than others. This applies to all Cucurbita species.
groundsel (senecio vulgaris)