Next year this will be a webpage on bunloaf's new website, including cites and sources for furthering knowledge. It is not finished and will be built up over the coming months. This was posted prematurely due to a frequent amount of posting on HRS group about rabbits and houseplants, and figured it would be useful to put out now prior to bunloaf's grand opening.
Any questions please contact us.
Interested in foraging, or starting a garden for your bunnies?
Click here to read our foraging page
to find out what plants are safe to grow or collect!

As of Feb 2024 we wont be adding
Common Houseplants - Non-Toxic To Rabbits
Below is a non-comprehensive list of common houseplants that are non-toxic to rabbits. This list contains both ornamental plants and kitchen herbs.
Reminder that “non-toxic” does not necessarily mean “edible”. Likewise, “toxic” also does not necessarily mean it cannot be consumed at all. There is misinformation when it comes to claims a plant is “toxic to rabbits”. Roots, fruits, seeds, stems, leaves, new growth, old growth, young plants, woody plants, all these factor into the different chemical processes plants go through, and the different stages of the plants life cycle may factor in whether or not it can be eaten, and which parts, to what extent. An example of this would be the apple (Malus spp.), where the leaf, branch, wood, and fruit is suitable for rabbits, however the seed of the fruit is not, rendering this plant with a toxic warning. And while chili peppers (Capsicum annuum) are non-toxic, the capsaicin within the fruit and seeds can cause burning sensations or irritation to the mouth and stomach, but the sweeter varieties (such as the bell pepper) are a common treat given to rabbits.
If you are ever unsure if a plant is OK to offer to your rabbit, the best course of action is to not offer it at all. Confirm a plant's identity by its Latin name, and not by common name. However, we invite everyone to be proactive in offering a wide variety of plant matter to their rabbits, and research the suitability of native plants, garden plants, and agricultural plants, which can be collected wild or grown at home, and offered to enrich their diet. A diverse diet is a healthy diet.
While these plants listed below are unlikely to cause harm to your rabbits, prevention is best - keep your houseplants on shelving or tables that are out of reach of furry paws. Should your rabbits snack on them, keep an eye for any behavior that is unusual, and call your rabbit vet if you have any concerns.
Common houseplants that can also be fodder will have a banana icon 🍌 next to them. These are plants that are not only non-toxic, but edible to varying degrees, and can be grown or foraged for your rabbits to consume.
Many of the plants on this list are safe for rodents as well, such as degus, chinchillas, rats, guinea pigs, and gerbils, but this list is geared towards rabbits. If you have any questions on suitability or safety, you can contact us, and if we cannot provide an affirmative answer, we will direct you to a group or forum that may have more knowledge.
If you think your rabbit has ingested a plant inside or outside that you believe is toxic or poisonous, it is best to call your veterinary office immediately to see if it warrants a visit. If it is after operating hours, call an emergency vet.
This list is geared towards an audience in the United States.
Non-Toxic Houseplant List
(note: spp. means "species", denoting all plants of that genus are safe for rabbits)
Acalypha hispida
Common names: chenille plant, copperleaf
Aeschynanthus spp.
Common names: lipstick plant
Anethum graveolena 🍌
Common names: dill
Anthriscus cerefolium 🍌
Common names: chervil, garden chervil, french parsley
Alternanthera ficoidea Common names: parrot leaf, calico plant, bloodleaf, copperleaf, joyweed
Aphelandra squarrosa
Common names: zebra plant
Artemisia dracunculus
Common names: tarragon, dragon
Aspidistra elatior
Common names: cast iron plant, iron plant, bar room plant
Asplenium spp. 🍌
Common names: bird’s nest fern, nest fern, crow’s nest fern, spleenwort, hurricane fern
Beaucarnea recurvata
Common names: pony tail palm, elephant’s foot palm
NOTE: one potential reported poisoning
Bromeliaceae family (see also: Tillandsia spp.)
Common names: bromeliad, earth star, common pineapple (Ananas sativus)
Cactaceae family
Common names: cactus (all types)
NOTE: Exception would be cacti with psychoactive properties (see list here:
NOTE: Not to be confused with members of the Euphorbia genus which are both not cacti and have toxic properties in the milky sap.
Calathea spp.
Common names: calathea, rattlesnake plant, prayer plant (see also: Maranta spp.)
Calendula spp.
Common names: calendula, pot marigold, marigold
Calluna vulgaris
Common names: heather, scottish heather, ling
Camellia sinensis
Common names: tea plant
NOTE: Not to be confused with Cordyline spp., ti plant, which may cause acute dermal toxicity and eye irritation.
Canna spp.
Common names: canna plant, canna lily
Capsicum annuum
Common names: cayenne, chili pepper, jalapeno, hot pepper, bell pepper, sweet bell pepper, paprika
Celosia spp.
Common names: celosia, cockscomb, feathered amaranth
Ceodes umbellifera (Pisonia umbellifera)
Common names: bird lime tree, bird catcher tree, lettuce tree, cabbage tree
Cephalocereus senilis
Common names: old man cactus, bunny cactus
Ceropegia woodii
Common names: string of hearts, chain of hearts
Chamaedorea spp. 🍌
Common names: bamboo palm (see also: Dypsis lutescens), parlor palm, reed palm, bella palm, neanthe bella palm
Chlorophytum amaniense Common names: mandarin plant
Chlorophytum comosum 🍌
Common names: spider plant, spider ivy, ribbon plant, airplane plant
Cissus alata
Common names: grape ivy, oak leaf ivy
Coleus scutellarioides
Common names: coleus, coleus wizard, painted nettle
NOTE: Not to be confused with Coleus amboinicus which has a fragrant leaf and is toxic.
Columnea spp.
Common names: columnea, goldfish plant
Coriandrum sativum 🍌
Common names: cilantro, coriander
Cryptocereus anthonyanus
Common names: ric rac cactus, fishbone cactus, zig zag cactus
Cyanotis kewensis
Common names: teddy bear vine
Davallia fejeensis
Common names: rabbit’s foot fern
Dizygotheca elegantissima
Common names: false aralia
Dypsis lutescens 🍌
Common names: areca palm, butterfly palm, bamboo palm (see also: Chamaedorea spp.)
Echeveria spp.
Common names: echeveria succulents
Episcia cupreata
Common names: flame violet
Fatsia japonica
Common names: japanese paper plant, paper plant, figleaf palm
Fittonia spp. Common names: fittonia, nerve plant, mosaic plant
Gasteria obliqua
Common names: ox tongue succulent
Geogenanthus ciliatus
Common names: geo plant
Gynura aurantiaca Common names: purple velvet plant, purple passion plant
Haworthia spp.
Common names: haworthia, zebra plant, zebra cactus, pearl plant
Hemigraphis exotica
Common names: waffle plant, purple waffle plant
Hibiscus spp. 🍌
Common names: hibiscus, rose of sharon
Howea forsteriana
Common names: sentry palm, thatch palm, paradise palm
Hoya spp.
Common names: hoya, wax plant, wax vine, indian rope, porcelain flowers
Hypoestes phyllostachya Common names: polka dot plant
Ipomoea aquatica🍌
Common names: water spinach, chinese watercress, chinese morning glory, kangkung
Iresine spp.
Common names: bloodleaf, chicken gizzard plant, pink fire, juba’s bush, beefsteak
Laurus nobilis 🍌
Common names: bay plant, bay laurel, laurel, bay tree
Lavandula spp. 🍌
Common names: lavender
Livistona chinensis
Common names: chinese fan palm, fountain palm
Maranta spp.
Common names: prayer plant (see also: Calathea spp.), rabbit foot maranta, arrowroot
Melissa officinalis 🍌
Common names: lemon balm
Mentha spp. 🍌
Common names: mint
Mikania ternata
Common names: purple pleasure plant, mikania, plush vine
Muehlenbeckia spp.
Common names: maidenhair fern, centipede plant, wire vine
Musa spp. 🍌
Common names: banana
Nepenthes spp.
Common names: pitcher plant, tropical pitcher plant, monkey cups
Nepeta cataria
Common names: catnip, catmint, catwort
Nephrolepis spp.
Common names: boston fern, sword fern, giant sword fern, macho fern
Ocimum basilicum 🍌
Common names: basil
Opuntia spp.
Common names: prickly pear cactus, tuna
Orchidaceae family
Common names: orchid (all types)
Origanum spp. 🍌
Common names: oregano, marjoram
Pellionia spp. (Elatostema spp.) (see also: Pilea spp.)
Common names: pellionia, watermelon vine, begonia vine, polynesian ivy
Peperomia spp. Pictured: Peperomia "Pink Lady" Common names: peperomia, rubber plant, baby rubber plant, pepperface, raindrop plant, string of turtles
NOTE: Not to be confused with Ficus elastica “rubber plant/rubber tree” which has a milky sap that is toxic
Petroselinum crispum 🍌
Common names: parsley
Phlebodium aureum
Common names: rabbits foot fern, hare foot fern, cabbage palm fern
Pilea spp. (see also: Pellionia spp.)
Common names: pilea, money plant, chinese money plant, pancake plant, friendship plant, baby tears, aluminum plant