If you would like to share a picture of your very own bunloaf (or loaves!), email them to submit@bunloaf.com, or post a (invisible to the public) comment on this post with the following information:
Your loaf(ves) name(s):
URL of picture:
Your location:
If you have a bunny blog where this photo is also shown, would you like a link back to it? If yes, please share the URL:
If you are a rescue and/or the bun in the photo is/was up for adoption, you can share the URL of your website/adoption page:
Notes on submitting:
Your loaf(ves) name(s):
URL of picture:
Your location:
If you have a bunny blog where this photo is also shown, would you like a link back to it? If yes, please share the URL:
If you are a rescue and/or the bun in the photo is/was up for adoption, you can share the URL of your website/adoption page:
Notes on submitting:
- The only info that will be shared in the post is the picture of your loaf, their name, location, and your bunny blog if you chose to share it.
- The reason "Location" is included is because it's nice to see where in the world bunloaves be. Your location can be as specific or as broad as you'd like. You can have it be the town/city your from, or more general like the nearest city (if you're a suburbanite), your county, state, province, prefecture, region, country, or whatever else you choose.
- If you work at a shelter or rescue and want to share your bunloaf photos, we will link back to your website and the adoption page of the rabbits if they are currently UFA.